Healthcare Courses

Effective Energy Conservation Methods for Hospitals

  Hospitals account for the top-heavy amount of energy demand and joint emissions due to their 24/7 operation and embedment of sophisticated equipment pertaining to the advent of technology. This represents approximately 6% of total energy consumption in the utility building sector with Heating, Ventilation, and Air Conditioning (HVAC) systems being the major consumer of…


Low Bed Occupancy? Strategies to Escalate

In recent years, hospitals have become increasingly engaged in mergers, affiliations, downsizings, and the creation of health care networks. This has led to an approximate 25%reduction in the number of hospital beds with an increasing proportion of their inpatient coming from the unpredictable fluctuating demands of emergency admissions rather than planned elective patients during the…

Infection prevention and control Program

Re-Emerging Trends in Covid – 19: How the Hospitals Should Gear up

The unprecedented scale and potential of Covid – 19 have completely overwhelmed the public health systems along with the contagions of misinformation and fear. By 26 June 2022, World Health Organization reported over 541 million confirmed cases with an 18% increase in comparison to the previous week. This is mainly attributable to the highly contagious…


Digitalization of Healthcare Human Resource Management: A Comprehensive Solution

Changes in our society’s demographics and dynamics are affecting the healthcare system resulting in a more intense “battle for skills”. While digital technologies were largely employed in private life, their use and acceptance are now increasingly evident in the healthcare industry. Human Resource (HR) digitization is the most fundamental development influencing healthcare businesses and it…


Redesign Healthcare

Traditionally, system and process redesigning have always been done as part of a project or program to help meet access goals, which are a top priority for patients. Co-production of redesigning healthcare services can be used to rethink how health care is delivered, not only in the context of face-to-face encounters where the benefits of…

Patient Participation Groups

Exploring Patient Involvement in the Co-Production of Healthcare Delivery System

The concept of co-production is a service delivery method that anticipates direct public involvement in the design and delivery of city services alongside professional service agents. Ostrom and her colleagues at Indiana University were the first to introduce the concept of co-production, which was created in the 1970s and 1980s as a strategy to o¦set…