A Conceptual Brief on Coproduction of Healthcare Services

In the 1960s, when the United States transitioned from an industrial economy focused on the production of goods to a service economy, the notion of co-production was introduced.

A Conceptual brief on Coproduction of Healthcare Services

Healthcare is a service co-created by healthcare professionals in relationship with one another and with people seeking aid to restore or preserve health for themselves and their families, rather than a product manufactured by the healthcare system. Co-production is more than a term or a notion; it is a gathering of brains working together to discover common ground. Health care is a service that can promote optimal health outcomes only if patients and providers have meaningful collaborations. All of the parts of co-production define the value gained by all parties involved, and they can be divided into three categories: communities, services and users of services. Some of the presumed roles and relationships between these groups are challenged by coproduction literature.

What are the values and advantages of co-production?

Healthcare Services Coproduction usually involves a process or technology that takes advantage of an end user’s time, motivation, and talents to add value by making a desired goal or outcome more convenient, efficient, and cost-effective. In healthcare, this frequently entails performing tasks in different locations to maximize convenience and reduce travel. Transparency, conversation, access to collaborative patient-clinician interactions, and an awareness of the balance of benefits and risks of proposed health therapies are all key components of value co-production. Coproduction attempts to provide individualized solutions that reduce the strain of both sickness and treatment.

Taking patient collaboration to the next level

Co-production is similar to patient involvement efforts and collaborations that are gaining attraction around the world. Patient and family advisory panels, for example, can work similarly to manufacturers convening focus groups to gather customer feedback on new products. The interdependent effort of users and experts to plan, construct, develop, provide, measure, and improve the connections and actions that contribute to the health of individuals and populations is referred to as the co-production of healthcare services. In healthcare, this frequently entails doing activities in new places to maximize convenience and reduce travel. People who are concurrently receiving and co-producing a service benefit both the user and the service. Co-production allows people to feel at ease enough to bring their entire selves to the process while still using the service, allowing for a wide range of talents, experiences, and knowledge that reflects their diverse identities. Professional suggestions are replaced by participation, in which healthcare organization is granted through collaborative decision-making and self-management, rather than passive patienthood.

Different levels of coproducing work collaborations

The concept is broad, encompassing potential collaborations between health professionals and patients (or anyone seeking assistance to improve their health and wellbeing) on a variety of levels.

  • Co-commissioning of services, which involves co-planning of health and social policy, service prioritization, and service
  • Co-design of services
  • Co-delivery services including comanaging and performing services
  • Assessments on Co-monitoring and co-evaluation of services


On a global scale, interest in coproduction is growing. However, existing financial incentives frequently place a high value on achieving biological proxies that may not be the most important to patients. By combining collaborative decision-making with the usage of feedback dashboards and patient registries, the co-production approach has the ability to bring together numerous patient-centered initiatives. By leveraging the capacity of learning health systems toward a growing focus on value-based care, coproduction also connects practice improvement and organizational design.

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