What is the Significance of understanding KPIs (Key Performance Indicators) in a Nursing Career?

What is the Significance of understanding KPIs (Key Performance Indicators) in a Nursing Career

It’s no secret to any aspiring or experienced nursing professional that data collection is important, but every minute spent organizing and analyzing data is time that could have been spent treating patients. For this reason, some nurses are more likely to concentrate on their patients’ urgent needs rather than data collection.

That’s why some nursing professionals feel that formally focusing on KPIs was unnecessary because they already knew what the day-to-day objectives would be. However, research suggests that this kind of thinking does not help develop successful careers, and given the nature of a hospital, as a place where the battle of life and death is constant, a small error might very well cost the patient’s life.

Thus, understanding and mastering the art of establishing and implementing quality management systems and procedures can be a fantastic foundation for any nursing practitioner to take their career to the next level because all nurses’ performance is judged against Key Performance Indicators (KPIs).

In this blog, we’ll go over a quick review of the standard definition of three types of indicators that each reflects a different aspect of nursing care for an institution. And some of the most important indicators used to evaluate most nurses’ career performances.

Standard Definition of indicators

First of all, to ensure we start right, let’s begin by defining what indicators are. The standard-definition as defined by the former National Health Performance Committee is… They are performance indicators or other units of information that reflect, directly or indirectly, the extent to which an anticipated outcome is achieved or the quality of processes leading to that outcome. In simpler words, an indicator is a key statistical measure selected to help describe a situation, track progress and performance, and act as a guide to decision making.

Three Standard Types of Nursing Indicators

The next important thing to realize is that institutions usually categorize nursing indicators into three categories. These three types are: structure, procedure, and outcomes. They all reflect an aspect of nursing care.

  1. Structural Indicators

The amount and adequacy of equipment and facilities, the credentials of medical professionals and their organizations, and administrative structure/programs are all structural indicators. An example of such an indicator is the percentage of medical staff accredited according to a national standard when performing a specific procedure. Structure indicators are frequently simple to formulate and measure. However, establishing a defined relationship to achieve desired health outcomes is not always easy.

  1. Process Indicators

Process indicators, on the other hand, are used to assess the extent to which “good” health care is being provided. They’re often mentioned in terms of best-practice guidelines or industry standards for certain health interventions. An example is the management of care for patients with diabetes or asthma. Process indicators are generally more sensitive to quality disparities than outcome measures, and they are also easier to interpret. However, they may be favored over outcome indicators in cases where a link between procedure and outcome has been demonstrated.

  1. Patient Outcome Indicators

The recovery, restoration of functionality, and survival of patients are all outcome indicators. Perinatal mortality, surgical mortality, and cancer survival rates are all examples. As a measure of safety and quality, outcomes are usually unquestionably valid, and outcome indicators are usually concrete and hence susceptible to accurate measurement. Such indications, however, may have limits. They aren’t necessarily direct assessments of a health care provider’s quality and safety in the same way that process measures are. For example, if a person has a major heart attack, the desired outcome may be survival, but the cause of survival may be unrelated to the safety and quality of the health care they received. As a result, outcome metrics are sometimes reported in conjunction with a process measure.

Get Certified In Nursing KPI and Quality Management Systems

The knowledge and indicators above barely scratch the surface of the complexity of KPI and quality management. To better understand and take your career to a new height, any aspiring or experienced nursing professional needs more than just an overview. This is where dedicated courses come into play.

It is common knowledge that attempting to achieve an undefined goal is the quickest way to fail. However, several young professionals begin their careers without clearly outlining the stages to success. Other nursing professionals remained unprepared due to a lack of tools and information that would allow them to objectively evaluate their progress or success.

The “Certification in Nursing Quality Management” from Astron E-College assists aspiring or experienced nursing professionals in organizing their career approach. By helping them define what good performance looks like for a nurse, they ensure their success, strengthen their decision-making skills, and boost their confidence. All of which lead directly to better career opportunities. Check out our offered nursing courses at Astron E-college and master the art of nursing quality management standards, key performance indicators for nursing, learn how to provide the utmost patient safety, and get a better patient satisfaction rate.

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